
Will Stem Cells "Fix" It? Yes. arthritis hyperbaric oxygen injury joint pain knee pain platelet rich plasma prp stem cell

by  Phil Kaplan

When humans hear of a vehicle for youth, power, health, or longevity, interest soars, rumors fly, and truth is often lost in the shuffle. 

When I hear people talking about their “healing journeys” in and around the field of medicine, I can’t help but...

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The Athlete and Dieter Who Make Me Cry atkins diet diet fat loss hcg diet healing injury joint pain lose weight medical weight loss semaglutide stem cell zone diet

Are You a Brick Wall Archetype?

By Phil Kaplan

I’m about to describe two “Archetypes,” two identifiable types of people who share common traits, and I invite you to  consider whether you may be one of them, or for most of you, think of the people in your  life who need...

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