Book an Appointment!

Rock Your Body, Blow Your Mind!

You’ve Never Experienced the "Betterment” We Deliver.


Improve Performance  |   Reverse Disease  |  Relax and Recover

Mitigate Stress  | Lose Weight  |  Boost Metabolism  |  Reverse Aging


Whether you’re an athlete seeking improved performance,
you were diagnosed with a thyroid or blood sugar issue,
whether you’re experiencing joint pain or attempting to get rid of stubborn bodyfat once and for all,
schedule your life-changing Experience!

We’ve made it simple.

Book Your "Full" Experience ($79)
Book Your FREE Red Light Session

What Can We Include in an Experience?

 In addition to our Exercise Options (Power Circuit, Metabolic Reboot 9-minute routine, OxeFit A.I. Athletic Training) we can include up to 3 of the following: 

  • Broad Spectrum Red Light Bed (Fat Loss, Skin, & Energy Recovery)
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen (historically over $300 per session)
  • Body Contouring with Form Fitting Red Light for Localized Reduction and Maximal Fat Loss Activation 
  • Cryotherapy
  • Acoustic SoundWave Therapy (Healing & Pain Relief)
  • Pulsed Magnetic Chair (for cellular healing and connective tissue regeneration)
  • And Other Incredible Options
Schedule Your Experience (FREE or $79 Option)
Learn More About the Experence



May 15, 2024

Mold: An Insidious Invader and Destroyer of Health

Apr 09, 2024

Drugs, Starvation, Torture, or Reboot?

Mar 24, 2024

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