
Cryotherapy - Cold But Worth It? biohacking boost metabolism cold plunge cryo cryo chamber cryotherapy fat loss healthy weight loss ice bath

by Phil Kaplan


If a 47-year-old woman who has an uncomfortably high percentage of bodyfat comes into Infinite Impact and asks me, “does Cryotherapy burn fat?”  My answer is no.

If a 45-year-old muscular individual with an athletic build...

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"Oh, Oh, Oprah - Ozempic" atkins diet fat loss glp glp1 glucagon healthy weight loss mounjaro oprah ozempic semaglutide wegovy weight loss drugs

by Phil Kaplan

Last week I told you about our breakthrough Affordable Metabolic Fat Loss Program at Infinite IMPACT, and in the same week word got out. 

Oprah’s on Ozempic.

One of those two options (IMPACT's Metabolic Reboot, Ozempic) will help people restore health and metabolic...

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Get a Fat Loss Plan That Works boost metabolism cut calories diet diets fat burning fat loss fat reduction healthy weight loss lose weight metabolic reboot metabolism slim

 by Phil Kaplan, Infinite Impact 


This is not our first time

making a “Fat Loss Promise.”  Our Metabolic Reboot program, valued at $8,800, delivers exceptional outcomes, but IMPACT14 shortens the journey at a crazy-affordable price.




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You Had The Power All Along diabetes gut biome healthy weight loss hypothyroid inflammation medication metabolism microbiome ozempic pain


Santiago and Dorothy each travel their own road (one paved with yellow bricks, the other a bit sandier). 

Dorothy meets a Tin Man, Santiago meets a King. 

Their stories seem very different, yet in the end, they’re exactly the same. 

The two protagonists, a girl from...

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Is Injectable Weight Loss A Thing? ala alpha lipoic acid carinitine healthy weight loss l-carnitine maunjaro metabolism ozempic wegovy weight loss drugs

You stick a needle in your skin, inject a liquid, and watch the scale with a smile on your face.

Injectable weight loss? 

Is it for real?

Well, we know it is being offered.  We know it has consumer appeal.  After all the prescriptions now number in the millions.

But is it...

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What's Making You Sick? chronic disease diabetes exercise healing healthy weight loss jardiance medications mold nutrition ozempic toxicity wellness

by Phil Kaplan


“Sick” might mean anything from “out of sorts” to “nauseous,” from “uncomfortable,” to “experiencing compromise in normal function.” 


By those definitions,

MOST Americans are sick MOST of the time.


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It's Not "The Thing," it's Synergy! atkins diet diabetes exercise fat loss fat reduction fitness program healthy weight loss hyperbaric hypothyroid lyme disease red light

by Phil Kaplan


For years I started my seminars with two words.

Nothing works.

It’s true.

If the goal involves improvement in health, metabolism, function, or performance, nothing works . . . in and of itself.

The key to achieving betterment through exercise and lifestyle is...

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6 Supplements That Have True Power c60 creatine fat loss fish oil glutathione healthy weight loss immunity krill oil muscle nac supplements

by Phil Kaplan

OPENING NOTE: As I release this blog post, I want to announce the Introduction of a new service at Infinite Impact.  We’re calling it a Drug and Supplement Review and Assessment.  The intention is to  assess and provide clarity as to the  value of the...

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REMARKABLE: Hacking Metabolic Fat Loss biohacking diet exercise fat loss healthy weight loss metabolism slim

by Phil Kaplan

Weight Loss is Sooooo Very Hard (say the people who just can’t lose it no matter what they do).

Weight Loss, Metabolism Boosting, and Restoring Youthful Energy are Soooooo Simple (say those who discover the Metabolic Reboot and . . . learn a few...

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Gimme Drugs Gimme Drugs healthy weight loss mounjaro ozempic semaglutide wegovy weight loss drugs

Have Americans Given Up Their Own Power?

by Phil Kaplan


Want drugs?

Yellowstone Park, Forest Hills, NY, circa 1976. 

Jamie sold quaaludes. 

Micky was the weed dealer (he usually had Acapulco Gold). 

Crackerjack sold hash and sometimes had baggies full of Dexadrine.

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